Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 5 at General Synod by Bridget Haefner

GS2015 ended less than an hour ago and I'm already looking forward to GS2017 in Baltimore. Funny thing is I'm also exhausted and a little cranky. It's time to go home and get back to normal. BUT...the Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), reminded us during her sermon tonight that normal isn't working anymore. Remembering how the disciples went back their boats to resume their lives fishing after Jesus was killed, she pointed out that the fishing wasn't going so well. After a night's work their nets were empty. Regular, ordinary, the "way we've always done it" life wasn't working anymore. Fortunately Jesus appeared with further instructions, stayed for breakfast, and put them back on track to bring abundant life to all God's children.

General Synod has taken us around the world and back again. To the White Earth reservation in northern Minnesota where Winona LaDuke founded the White Earth Recovery Project to develop "culturally based sustainable development strategies, renewable energy and food systems." To the Holy Land where Synod delegates voted to call for the UCC to Take Actions Toward a Just Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. To Korea urging Peace, Justice, and Reunification in the Korean Peninsula. Renewing the UCC's witness of Commitment to Full Equality for Persons of Any Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Gender Expression. To the world as a whole and especially here in the U.S. for a Transition from Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy by 2040. And even to Outer Space in a resolution on Responsible Stewardship of the Outer Space Environment. (Maybe this time we can find a way to stop leaving our junk in outer space so it doesn't become another dumping ground for stuff we no longer want. And of course that trash isn't funny when it falls back to earth.)

It is overwhelming and gratifying to be in the company of people who care so passionately about our earth, the people who live here now and the ones who will live here in the future. It is exciting to imagine that our small but active denomination can make a real difference in the world. The challenge as we ended this intense time in Cleveland is to make tomorrow not a day to "get back to normal" but instead a day of action that will change the world for the better a little piece at a time.

Day 4 by Lawrence Richardson

Day 4

It has been an AMAZing General Synod! We are surrounded by people from all over the country and from so many places within our beloved church. As we engage this information, discuss in our committee meetings, talk over dinner and in the exhibit hall, and vote on resolutions, it is an honor and very humbling to be on this side of the business of the church.

I am all the more grateful to our church leaders and I am inspired by the energy and passion present here during General Synod. It is my hope that each of us present take back home with us this energy and passion into our local communities so that vitality and a sense of deep commitment to God's mission permeates every level of this great church.

May the Spirit of peace, power and prosperity embolden us all!!
Blessings and light,

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 3 by Sapphire McKnight

The Minnesota delegates started the day early, fueled by coffee, cookies, and buckeyes,with committee meetings to discuss and improve the resolutions we will be voting on in the next couple of days. Speaking for myself, I learned so much more about the work that is set in action by each reresolution. I enjoyed hearing everyone's ideas as my committee spoke to various parts of our resolution.  There were also touching personal stories shared by those whose lives and lived ones are affected by the issue.

There was a Tutor the Tutor program in the afternoon. Rob Schindler, author of Hot Dogs and Hamburgers and volunteer at the Chicago Literacy Center, shared his story about becoming a tutor and teaching adults to read. He told us more about what everyday life is like for the 32 million people in America who cannot read. To close the session we got up and danced to "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" by Stevie Wonder. I love the amount of spontaneous song and dance that takes place at synod!

Worship was preluded by an hour of praise music; including folk, a cappella, rock & roll, opera, and reggae. Bishop Dwayne Royster gave an outstanding sermon about racism and what we can and must do to "change the damn world". It made me so proud to be a part of the United Church of Christ. One of the most important things, I think, that I took away from it is that we have to do so much more to end racism, mass incarceration, police brutality, etc., towards people of color. And I know we can do the work! The UCC gives me so much faith in good people doing good things.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 2 by Aaron Lauer

         What a day and what a week! We’ve gone from celebrating marriage equality across the U.S. to wonderful, engaging worship and prayer to celebrations of disabilities ministries to deep theological reflections from some of our denomination’s most prominent thinkers. Synod 2015 has been a whirlwind so far, but a blessed storm for this first-time Synod goer.

            On Saturday, we spent time together in prayer, worship, and reflection, as nationally-known columnist Connie Schultz spoke about the prophetic witness of the UCC in the U.S. today, and the importance of the need for more voices for the gospel of Christ in our public realm. We were also reminded of the UCC’s commitment to women’s ministries and LGBT rights, through the Antoinette Brown Award and the Open and Affirming Coalition.

            Perhaps the most blessed part of Saturday was the opportunity for Sabbath. Though many different workshops were available during the afternoon, I chose to spend the time in conversation with other Minnesota Conference delegates about important resolution issues, as well as time in fellowship with other Members in Discernment, speaking about our varied calls to ministry and discerning where God was leading us next.

            More than anything, I must give thanks to God for the rain! It’s been a wet past few days in Cleveland and this has been a bit of a burden for those of us walking five blocks from our hotel to the Cleveland Convention Center. Still, I know the need for moisture in the Midwest, and I remember the words to the famous hymn, “We plow the fields and scatter the good seed on the land, but it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand.” May God bless us with God’s hand of grace and guidance as we the UCC make important decisions about our denomination over the next few days, and celebrate our movement toward a more cohesive governance and united call. 

Day 1 by Cindy Mueller

Over 3,000 UCCers gathered in Cleveland, Ohio for General Synod today. Eighteen of those folks were delegates of the MN Conference UCC along with Shari Prestemon, Rick Wagner and Steve Boorsma. Just hours before we embarked upon our first session the news of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing same sex marriage the rule of our entire nation was announced. 

Throughout the day we heard the proclamation that the UCC had its part in that 5-4 decision becoming a reality. We as a denomination,having understood it to be our Biblical mandate to see that justice and dignity be given to all of God's children - no matter who they love - filled us with the courage needed to fight when many said it could not be done. 

We were told not to bother. We were told it wasn't worth our efforts. We were told it was wrong, and yet we were brave and stood up for what we believed in.  But we were not deterred; we acted  upon our faith and challenged the injustice we have witnessed by our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. And as a result, something unexpected has happened. Something incredible! Something beautiful.  

We celebrated  this decision throughout the day as speakers and preachers,  officers and international guests referred to the historic role we in the UCC played in this decision. Other items of business included the introduction of the candidate for General Minister and President of the denomination -John Dorhauer. Our own Conference Minister served on his Search Committee. John spoke to the UCC family gathered and shared with us his vision for our denomination. Jim Moos was also nominated for a second term as the Executive Officer of our Global Mission Covenanted Ministry.

Our business will continue for four more days with each day being reflected upon by someone in our delegation. Our first day of General Synod was a day filled with celebration, worship, business, exhibits, educational intensive and one big family reunion! 

May our remaining time together be blessed with the the leading of the Holy Spirit and filled with great discernment and of course -a WHOLE LOT OF FUN!

Cindy Mueller
First Congregational UCC, Hutchinson, MN
Moderator of the MN Confernce

Friday, June 12, 2015

Minnesota Orientation by Sapphire McKnight

The orientation for the Minnesota delegates of the General Synod was a thrilling experience for me, and definitely captured my interest. I have been to Minnesota’s United Church of Christ (UCC) annual meeting before, but from what I have been told the general synod will be on an exponentially grander scale! I have yet to fully grasp the concept of a national gathering of UCC members and clergy people.

At the orientation I met just a small handful of the three-thousand-plus people who will be attending – those of us representing Minnesota congregations. We paired up to get to know each other a little bit. I spoke to a woman from southeastern Minnesota. Like me, she was raised in a conservative faith tradition that left her hating the church. We both agreed that if anyone had told us five years ago what our faith and activity in the church would be like now, we would have laughed in their faces.
I love this kind of one-on-one sharing and discussion. I only wish I could have more time for this! I love hearing about people’s life journeys. I am so excited to talk to people at the general synod and learn about their lives and their faith.

We had the opportunity to Skype the nominee for General Minister and President. He told us about his ideas for working with post-modern faith leaders and how he wants to walk the walk of the gospel of extravagant welcome by working to make the UCC reflect the diversity we advocate for.

When he was telling about his journey from training to enter the catholic priesthood (talk about coming from unexpected places!), to joining the Lutheran church, to finally becoming a UCC minister and performing the first legal same-sex marriage in Arizona, I wondered about my own calling to ministry. I was so moved by his story about clergy people of multiple faiths standing outside courthouses holding signs that read “We stand ready to marry you!” Thinking about it still gives me chills! I wonder where the social issues that are still unresolved today will be by the time I start my career – be it in the church or elsewhere – and if I will ever have the opportunity and honor to do anything comparable to that first wedding in Arizona.

Another reverend spoke to us passionately about the Israeli-Palestine conflict. It gave me perspective of just how far our church’s wider ministry can reach when we work together. We can truly change the world. Because of my experience with the smaller scale Minnesota conference, I wasn’t aware of how externally focused general synod is. Yes, there are by-laws and church politics to discuss. We are doing so much more than I imagined, though! I am so proud of how we as a faith community are working to make a positive global impact. I am so honored to be a part of this!